Reader's Feedback

Customer Testimonials

Maybe I’m biased. From the first sentence this book spoke to me. The very first sentence introduces the main character and gives her birthdate. It was literally within days of my mother’s birthdate of the same year. That connection made it easy for this story to play out in my mind as if I knew these fictional characters. As if they were real. This is a well written, highly entertaining, and thought provoking read. Highly recommend.

Ann P.
Customer Testimonials

This novel takes the immense horror of the holocaust and distills it into a concise and personalized tale that readers can consume in manageable pieces. I appreciated the detailed descriptions of what prisoners did to survive. This is an excellent way for young readers to learn about the brutality of the holocaust and the courage of those who survived to tell the world about it.

Amazon Customer
Customer Testimonials

This novel follows Casha and her Jewish family in Poland from WWII through the concentration camps and aftermath. I enjoyed the “refresher course” on the historical details, and the author’s short sentences brought the descriptions and vignettes to life. The book delves into dark awful subjects, but most of the protagonists muster, eventually, a positive attitude. The book addresses medical experiments in the concentration camps, resistance efforts, the Nuremberg trials and even touches on Anne Frank and other prominent figures. Book held my interest right to the end. Might be especially good for young adult readers (note: one semi-explicit romantic encounter). At a time when the historical memory of the Holocaust is fading, and only a few survivors are left to personally testify, how heartening to find the topic still inspiring historical fiction.

Karen D.
Customer Testimonials

We have all learned of the Jewish experience in WWII Europe but Joan Seko’s Casha puts a personal face on the horrors of the Nazis. This book comes at a critical time in America and reminds us of the need to think and trust ourselves to know what is right or wrong despite what we are told by leaders with their own agendas. While Casha contains serious messages it is written in a very entertaining and enjoyable way. Great historical fiction. Highly recommended.

Ann P.
Customer Testimonials

The author successfully blends tradition, love, mystery and history in a well-written, fast-paced novel. My personal interest was refreshed by the author's skillful, detailed writing style. This is her second novel based on historical events and written in entertaining style. The other was "Casha" about a more recent time but equally accurate and informative.

Atsushi K.
Customer Testimonials

I picked this up as a recommendation from a friend- I found this book to be quite enjoyable. An interesting look at Feudal Japan and Samurais.

Jan H.
Customer Testimonials

Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Very interesting and informative. I have also read Lady Dahlia's Story which was very good too. I am going to read Casha next, love this author!